Dynamiss, Microsoft unveil learning solution

Microsoft, in partnership with Dynamiss Digital Learning
Solutions Limited, a teaching and learning digital solutions
company, is set to unveil the Dynamiss LP+365 classroom

solution, a  cloud-based  learning platform that transforms
the Microsoft Office365 into a school’s virtual learning
environment that enables teachers to design and plan the
curriculum, deliver subject material, manage coursework
and communicate with learners using simple drag and
drop technology.
The Dynamiss LP+365 offers educators and students the
opportunity to access Always-On access to knowledge,
personalized learning, better engagement, improved
communication and collaboration.
Commenting on the initiative, Education Programmes
Manager, Microsoft Nigeria, Jordan Belmote, said digital
literacy is neither an option nor a luxury, rather an
essential part of studying, working and living in the 21st
His words “This is the real deal for every educator, the
Dynamiss LP+365 solution provides students with an
‘always on’ learning experience anytime, anywhere.
Students can access the platform through mobile devices
using Microsoft productivity tools to do everything from
taking notes, submitting coursework to collaborating with
their classmates on projects. The platform brings together
the best of Microsoft cloud technology and Office365 to
create an engaging and intuitive, personalized learning
environment for teacher-student interaction.”
Also speaking, the CEO, Dynamiss Digital Learning
Solutions Limited, Mr. Roland Sodeinde, said; “the motive
of the solution is to enhance digital literacy in Nigerian
schools. Nigeria has made significant progress over the
last decade in preparing students for the digital world that
we now live in, but there is a need to put more in place, to
become competitive and play at the same level as their
counterparts in developed countries. Whether we like it or
not, whether we prepare our children or not, the world is
changing at a previously unimaginable pace.”

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