A teenager, Aminu Iliyasu, who was caught having sex with his girlfriend, Safiya Umar, in front of a hotel in Katsina, Katsina State, in broad daylight have been remanded in prison custody by a Sharia court. Eyewitnesses told Kossyvibes that the duo
, who have been lovers for three years, dared each other to have sex in public while damning its consequences. It was gathered that the teenagers threw caution to the wind and began to have sex in broad daylight. Passersby who stopped to watch the illicit scene arrested them and handed them over to the police. When their case was mentioned in court during the week, the prosecuting police inspector, Mohammed Usman, told the Upper Sharia court that some concerned citizens of the state caught the two lovebirds having sex around 4:00 p.m. in front of a popular hotel in the state. The accused persons who pleaded guilty to the charge when they were brought to the court, however, begged for leniency. The prosecutor told the court that their offence contravened sections 120, 187 and 347 of the Sharia Penal Code of Katsina State. The Sharia judge, Ibrahim Korau, then remanded the suspects and adjourned the case to 21 March for hearing.