Enthusiasm can spoil this lovely day. There can be many miscommunication due to family pressures, work pressures and no time. Gifts, flowers and chocolates are valentine day staples. But having the right mood and energy for the celebration is of utmost importance as well.
So, in order to keep your mind fresh and make your mood romantic and happy, keep these few things in mind.
Don’t expect a lot of gifts or extreme celebration from your partner. Keep your expectations realistic in tandem with the routine of your partner and their work. Having too many expectations can lead to utmost disappointment and can be a mood spoiler.
If your partner is unable to gift you something, don’t make a face. Be happy that at least your partner value this day and spending enough time with you to make you feel special.
Don’t go overboard with your surprise for your partner. They might not have the same in return for you and you might feel a bit vulnerable. Hence, depending on how long your relationship has lasted, design a valentine plan accordingly.
Don’t spend way too much on something you are not sure that your partner will like. It is better to gift them gift coupons or vouchers where they can buy something that they would actually love and enjoy.
Valentine day is not just about gifts and flowers. It is about feelings and love. Make sure you communicate your feelings to your lover. That is the real gift.
Always remember that money cannot buy love. Hence don’t expect extra ordinarily expensive gifts from your partner. This is valentine day and not “gift day”. You are supposed to feel special and romantic and not spoilt and rich.
Don’t forget to make time for your partner on this day, no matter how busy you are. Everyone celebrates it with their loved ones, and if you don’t show up to your partner on this day, they might be heavily disappointed.
Music always turns things around. So don’t fret to switch on to some romantic melodies to make the mood light and romantic.
Try not to discuss your work and home issues on this day. Keep this day only about you and your lover. How you both met, how you’ll love each other’s company and how long you have come together is all you must talk about.
Praise your partner for everything he or she is and has done for you. This will make them feel special and eyes filled with tears.
Don’t expect your valentine day to be something that is shown in movies. Realities are very different from what is shown in the motion pictures. Relations are much more complex and life is much tougher in real.
In order to make your valentine day special don’t forget to dress up for your partner on this day, even if you are staying at home. Make sure you aren’t in your pajamas this evening. Dress up to kill!
Make the ambiance amazing. Use scented candles, heart shaped decoration, soothing lights and soft music to charm your lover. This will surely make your Valentine Day Special.
Don’t be shy to ask your partner’s hand for a lovely slow dance. This will make you both refresh your memories and fall in love once again.
Keep babies and kids out of your way this evening. contact child minders or send your kids out with their friends, in order to have some good private time with your partner. Don’t get involved in household chores and children on this special day at least.
Take a break from your work and make your valentine day special, take a half day and surprise your spouse. Or better yet, show up at your partner’s work place with a bouquet in hand and two movie tickets.
How do you usually spend your valentine day? Have you ever faced any problems when it comes to V-Day celebration? Share it with us in the comments section if this helped you in making your Valentine Day Special.