8 Ways to Cheer Up an Upset Girlfriend

Everyone craves for a romantic relationship. But often it becomes pretty tough to maintain one; especially in these times. Most couples usually fight a lot. It could be over something very serious or also over something petty. In any case, it can lead to a huge fight if one of the two doesn’t take the first step and make up quickly. Guys might find it tough to cheer up their upset girlfriend. Girls usually like small things which show them how important they are for you or how much you care for them. [ Read: 7 Ideas for Romantic Love Texts Words for Your LOVE]

Let’s look at a few ways to get that big smile on her face again.

1. Keep texting her
Girls might not reply or respond if they are angry with someone, but they do check their phones constantly awaiting a message from their boyfriends. If they don’t get one soon, their anger builds up. If you are at fault, it is best to text her and say “sorry”. Saying more romantic and adorable things or praising her will only make her happier. Don’t wait for her to message; probably she is waiting for yours eagerly. [ Read: 10 Romantic Love Messages To Text Your Partner ]

2. Turn up with a gift
Gifts and surprises are a girl’s best friends. Surprise her by turning up at her college gate or outside her office. Bringing a cute ‘sorry’ greeting card or a red rose along with you will only make her forgive you instantly.

3. A cute POST IT note
Girls love when their boyfriends are expressive, that too creatively. If you are her husband or live in partner, leaving a POST IT note with a cute smiley and a lovely message will instantly cheer up. Hide it under her pillow, her laptop screen or put it on the fridge door. She will find it immensely cute. [ Read: 7 Rules For Texting Your Partner ]

4. Ready to make a fool of yourself
If she is with you and she is pissed and not talking, cracking stupid jokes or trying to make her smile will definitely work. Doing sit ups as a way of saying sorry or holding your ears for her will definitely put a smile on her face. Showing some stupid dance moves or faces can make her burst out with laughter.

5. Make amends & plans
Taking a day off from work to be with her, or canceling the guys night out with your friends to just be with her can cheer her up. Making plans with her for her favorite movie or concert. Spending some quality time with her, giving her more priority than other things will make her feel lucky and happy. [ Read: Long Distance Relationship Songs You Should Listen to ]

6. Flatter her
Praise works best on women. Make her feel like the princess. Tell her how good she looks and how well she manages everything. How lucky you feel to be with her and how much you treasure her company. All these talks are sure to make her blush and forget your fight.

7. Overwhelm her
If she really means a lot to you, and perhaps if your fight is really serious, do something big for her. Overwhelming her by a proposing her or throwing a surprise party in her honor can be extremely overwhelming. Buying tickets for a long vacation to an exotic location with her can also cheer her up. [ Read: Ways to Handle Dating Someone With Anger Issues ]

8. Puppy eyes
This is a sure shot method. Most men can get away by making innocent puppy eyes at their loved ones. Give her the innocent looks that would make her smile or even laugh. Innocence can be quite charming to a woman. And a man who is truthfully sorry for his mistake and is ready to work on it is a definite keeper for girls.

What are the cute things that your boyfriend does to cheer you up? Share your experience in the comment section.

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